UPDATE: Because of the COVID pandemic, the 2020 Boston Marathon was moved to a virtual version. In October, Hec ran it his route in Petawawa, covering 42 km in 4:54:48, raising over $25,000 for Marianhill’s Building Care redevelopment project!
Building Care Campaign Chair Hec Clouthier will be running the 2020 Boston Marathon in support of Marianhill’s multi-million dollar redevelopment project!
Because of the COVID-19 Virus, the Boston Marathon, which traditional runs in early April, has been rescheduled to September 14 2020.
To qualify, the former MP for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke successfully completed the Hamilton Marathon on November 4 2019. Supporting Hec in this unique fundraising event is his old friend the former Prime Minister, Right Honourable Jean Chretien.

Clouthier has run the Boston Marathon five times previously, at the age of 55, 59, 60, 64 and 65. At this year’s run, Hec will be 70 years of age!