Hospice Palliative Care at Marianhill

The Marianhill nursing team comprises:
- Unit Managers
- Registered Nurses (RN)
- Registered Practical Nurses (RPN)
- Personal Support Workers (PSW)
Marianhill provides nursing and personal care services 24 hours per day, seven days per week, including:
- Supplies and equipment for skin care, continence products, for infection control and sterile procedures
- Medical devices such as catheters and colostomy and ileostomy devices
- Supplies and equipment for personal hygiene and grooming, including skin lotions and powders, shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, denture cups and cleansers, toilet tissue, facial tissue, hair brushes, combs, razor/shavers, shaving cream, feminine hygiene products
- Equipment for general use such as wheelchairs (if a wheelchair is required on a permanent basis see note below), geriatric chairs, canes, walkers, toilet aids, and other self-help aids for the activities of daily living
- Meal service and meals, including three meals daily, snacks between meals and at bedtime, special and therapeutic diets, dietary supplements and devices enabling resident to feed themselves
- Social recreational and physical activities and programs, including related supplies and equipment
- Laundry, including labeling, machine washing and drying of personal clothing
- Bedding and linen, including comfortable mattress with waterproof covers, pillows, bed linen, washcloths and towels
- Cleaning and upkeep of resident rooms and building
A nurse call system is provided in each resident room and bathroom. Staff members have pagers and phones which notify them once a resident rings for assistance. Opened exit doors also ring through to the staff pagers to prevent residents from wandering.
In the event a resident is injured or if there is a change in a resident’s health status, the nursing team will notify the next-of-kin or representative. Please ensure your next-of-kin contact information is up to date to ensure a prompt response to any such events.
Medical Care
A resident may remain under the care of their community attending physician providing he/she has admitting privileges to Marianhill. Regular visits/clinics are arranged by the nursing team. Medication is reviewed every three months by one’s physician and annual physical examinations are scheduled by the Marianhill staff.
A nurse practitioner is on staff at Marianhill to assist the attending physicians.
Consent to Treatment
In accordance with Nursing Policy B008, the health practitioner determines the capacity of the resident. The resident is capable with respect to a treatment if the resident:
- Understands the information that is relevant to making a decision concerning the treatment or personal assistance service.
- Is able to appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of a decision or lack of decision.
If the resident is incapable, consent is obtained from the substitute decision maker.
The resident has the right to refuse any care/treatment offered within Marianhill and the resident’s wish shall be given priority.
A physical restraint is any device adjacent to or attached to a resident’s body that restricts or controls movement and that cannot be readily removed by the resident. This includes generic chairs or wheelchairs with tabletops (used other than at meals), front and back closing seatbelts and roll bars. A front closing seatbelt is considered to be a restraint if the resident is unable (physically or cognitively to release the restraint independently. Devices that are not defined as restraints include positioning or limb support aids.
Least restraint means that all possible alternative interventions are exhausted before deciding to use a restraint.
Short-term restraint is initiated at the discretion of the registered nurse in event of emergency or crisis intervention for a maximum of 72 hours, according to the following protocol:
- Explore all other alternatives to restraint.
- A philosophy of least restraint will guide caregivers.
- The wishes of a competent resident will be given primary consideration.
- The means of restraint will be as minimal as is reasonable with regard to the physical and mental condition of the resident.
- In all cases involving the use of restraint, there will be documented evidence that the resident:
– may suffer self-injury
– may injure others
– may cause extreme disruption to others - The medical director / attending physician will:
– make the final decision to apply a restraint and which type of restraint of use
– review quarterly any order for the use of physical restraints
Drugs and Medical Supplies
Marianhill cannot charge for non-prescription drugs, medication or treatment products and supplies obtained through Ontario’s Pharmaceutical and Medical Supply Services.
As well, some non-prescription drugs, medication and treatment products and supplies not available through Ontario’s Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies are not covered. Before ordering such items, the resident will be informed if a cost will apply.
Marianhill maintains a contract with a pharmacy provider. While most medications are covered under the Ontario Drug Benefit Plan or supplied by the Ontario Ministry of Health, there is a dispensing fee for each prescription written by a physician. Residents are billed monthly and payment is to be made directly to the pharmacy.
Therapy Services
Physiotherapy services are provided to the residents of Marianhill by Bayshore, on an individual basis particularly to those in the Complex Continuing Care Unit.
Marianhill staff provide regular and advanced footcare to our residents at no additional charge. Families also have the option to pay for an outside care provider if they wish.
Dental Care
Good oral hygiene is important in the prevention and treatment of oral and periodontal disease. We recommend that each resident visit a dentist at least twice annually for a thorough cleaning and oral examination. As well, residents who wear dentures should have them personally labeled by a local dental lab.
For the convenience of our residents, a dental hygienist and dentist provide services at Marianhill. Dental appointments may be arranged by the First Floor Unit Clerk. Fees for an oral hygiene assessment are based on the recommended Dental Hygiene Fee Guide.
Alternatively, residents can maintain dental care with their existing dentist.
Health and Safety
- Regular cleaning of hands reduces the spread of infection. Please contact registered nursing staff if you have any questions regarding hand hygiene.
- Cover coughs or sneezes with tissue or crook of your arm.
Mobility Equipment
If and when required, the appropriate wheelchair or walker can optimize the safety, independence and comfort of each resident. Financial assistance through the Assistive Devices Plan may be available to cover costs. Ask our occupational therapist for assistance in apply for such equipment.
Regular maintenance of wheelchairs and walkers is highly important and the responsibility of the resident / family. Marianhill arranges for equipment to be inspected and minor repairs are completed at no cost. Should a wheelchair or other equipment require significant repairs, the resident will receive a written cost estimate for approval before any work is completed. Alternatively, residents can have their equipment inspected and repaired equipment at independently.
Please note that due to the age of our building and width of various doorways and hallways, some personal mobility equipment cannot be accommodated at Marianhill.