Hospice Palliative Care at Marianhill

At Marianhill we understand the value of sharing social time with those around us. Each month we host a full slate of group activities for both large and small groups. We also offer recreational programming on a one-to-one basis, depending on the type of activity and the needs of the resident. Family and friends are invited to join in.
Activity boards throughout Marianhill announce upcoming activities, and monthly activity calendars are circulated to all residents. Activities include:
- Bingo
- Carpet bowling
- Sing songs
- Current events
- Socials
- Entertainment
- Exercises
- Reading groups
Download this month’s Marianhill recreation calendars:
Special Events
Families interested in booking a party may call or stop by the front desk between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding stat holidays) to make arrangements with the recreation staff.
Pets with a current record of vaccination are welcome visitors at Marianhill. However, it’s the responsibility of the owner to keep the animal under control at all times. The owner is liable for the action of their animal while visiting Marianhill
Marianhill is a smoke-free environment. Residents must leave the property in order to smoke. Residents wishing to smoke off the property must be assessed as able to do this independently and safely.