The Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception established Marianhill Home for the Aged in 1954. Since its inception, Marianhill has provided quality care for all residents. Our dignified and loving response to the elderly has its roots in the very early history of the Grey Sisters’ community, for Saint Marguerite D’Youville was herself joyfully dedicated to ministering to the aged. This tradition for loving respect remains today — the vital foundation of our efforts.
Marianhill is governed by a Board of Directors of men and women from the Ottawa Valley community. The Board is accountable to the Catholic Health Sponsors of Ontario, the Ontario Ministry of Health and the general public. It governs in the interest of Marianhill Inc. and those we serve.
Marianhill operates under the Long Term Care Homes Act 2007 and the Public Hospital Act.
Mission Statement
Inspired by the healing ministry of Jesus Christ and the life of St Marguerite d’Youville, Marianhill provides love and compassionate care in the Catholic tradition to older adults in their homes, the community and Marianhill.
Vision Statement
Marianhill is a dynamic progressive presence in the Ottawa Valley that supports seniors through a diversity of innovative services and programs.
Marianhill Values
- Hospitality – invites us to create an environment marked by openness, warmth and acceptance for all.
- Spirituality – calls us to nurture the body mind and soul of each other and those we serve.
- Integrity – invites us to a life of honesty, respect and justice.
- Dignity – requires us to honour the sacredness of life.
- Excellence – challenges us to be innovative and accountable leaders in the care and services we provide.
Board of Directors
Frank Trzebiatowski, Chair
Betty Brisson, Vice Chair
Lynn Miller, Past Chair
Donna Provost, CHSO Designate
Father Kenneth O’Brien
Norma Valiquette
Monica Harrington
Dez Bair-Patel
Linda M. Tracey, Secretary, Treasurer