Marianhill is now into a second COVID outbreak in the last month, and as a result managment has reviewed its infection prevention and control procedures with the aim of finding opportunities to reduce illness and outbreaks.
Public Health Ontario has provided a document setting out interim IPAC measures on respiratory virus transmission risk in healthcare settings. Based on these recommendations, Marianhill implemented a targeted masking policy effective November 13, 2024 until further notice, as follows:
- Medical masks are required to be worn by all staff on all resident units regardless of outbreak status.
- Visitors are required to wear a mask in hallways, but may remove their mask when in the resident’s room. Please pull the curtain closed if in a shared room.
- Staff must always wear a medical mask when in the resident units and, when able, are to remain at least six feet apart from others.
- When no residents are in the nursing station, based on a personal risk assessment, staff masks may be removed (for example, on nights while sitting at the nursing station).
Both the influenza and COVID vaccines are now available, and staff are encouraged to make an appointment with the RCDHU or local pharmacy to obtain their vaccination. Please provide proof of vaccination to the Director of Care as soon as acquired.
This is a minimum masking policy. Marianhill remains a mask friendly environment and encourages everyone to do their own risk assessment.