
Criteria for Admission

Hospice Palliative Care at Marianhill

photo of two pairs of hands forming a heart

Admission to the Marianhill Palliative Care Unit is available to clients from the community, who meet the criteria for this program. Admission is on a referral basis and dependent on bed availability.

Hospice and Palliative Care Admission Criteria

  • Client has valid Ontario Health Card.
  • Client has a life-limiting illness/terminal diagnosis.
  • No extensive diagnostics or treatments other than those required for pain, symptom management and comfort care will be offered.
  • Hospice provides approaching end-of-life care needs that cannot be met in the community such as nursing or personal care needs that exceed those provided by Ontario Health at Home.
  • Focus of care in Hospice will be on comfort measures and palliation only.
  • Client has Palliative Performance Scale equal to or less than 40%.
  • Hospice is not equipped to provide resuscitation; no resuscitation or other life sustaining interventions will be offered.
  • Client has psychosocial, emotional and family needs that are best supported by an inpatient team.
  • Client has symptoms that can be managed by Hospice.

Hospice Exclusion Criteria

  • Client does not meet above criteria.
  • Client has behaviours that cannot be managed in Hospice.
  • Client has care needs that cannot be met by services available in Hospice.
  • Client has Palliative Performance Scale greater than 40% (unless admitted for respite; must have discharge plan in place).
  • Bariatric individuals are not eligible for Hospice.

Director of Care

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