Hospice Palliative Care at Marianhill

Fire Safety
Marianhill is equipped with smoke and heat detectors, with a direct emergency service alarm to the Pembroke Fire Department. A comprehensive fire safety plan is in place to protect residents and staff. Fire alarm pull station boxes are located in the hallways. As per regulations, fire drills are conducted monthly.
All Marianhill exits are monitored and locked by a magnetic door system. An alarm will sound if any door is held open. Should the fire alarm sound, all exits automatically open.
Security System
For resident safety the security system Marianhill is equipped with a security system that locks all exterior doors automatically between the hours of 9:00 pm and 7:00 am. If entering or leaving the building during these times, nursing assistance is required. A call system is located at the front door for this purpose.
Between the hours of 7:00 am and 9:00 pm, visitors must use the posted code (5683 Enter) to enter or leave the building.
Hazard Identification
Marianhill uses a red hazard tag to identify any equipment/item that is broken and not to be used. Wet floor signs and other notices may be posted throughout the home to advise of unsafe situations. Please respect these directions.