
Privacy and Ethics

Hospice Palliative Care at Marianhill

Photo of woman playing a harp in Marianhill auditorium

Personal Health Information
Marianhill collects personal health information about each resident by speaking directly to them or their advocate. This data may include: name, date of birth, address, health history, record of visits to Marianhill and the care received during those visits. Occasionally, we also collect personal health information from additional sources, but only with the consent of the resident or as the law permits.

Uses and disclosures of personal information include:

  • Treatment and care of the resident
  • Payment of resident treatment and care (i.e. from OHIP, WSIB, private insurers)
  • Planning, administration and management of internal operations
  • Risk management activities
  • Quality improvement activities (e.g. patient satisfaction surveys)
  • Educating staff, board and volunteers
  • Compiling statistics
  • Fundraising to improve healthcare services and programs
  • Complying with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Other purposes permitted or required by law

A resident may access and update their personal health records or withdraw consent for some of the above uses and disclosures by contacting the Chief Executive Officer.

Marianhill protects the personal health information of our residents by implementing strict policies and procedures to:

  • Protect personal health information from theft, loss and unauthorized access, copying, modification, use, disclosure and disposal
  • Conduct audits and investigations to monitor and manage privacy compliance
  • Ensure that everyone who performs services for at Marianhill protects the residents’ privacy and only uses personal health information based on consent

Linda Tracey, Chief Executive Officer

Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario
2 Bloor St  East, Suite 1400, Toronto ON M4W 1A8

Sharing your assessment information is important. Unless you tell us not to, your personal assessment information will be shared electronically with other health service providers who will be providing you with support so they can better serve your needs.

Your assessment may contain information on your:

  • Mental and physical health
  • Personal and health history

Your assessment information is protected. The information you give us in your assessment can only be used by authorized staff involved in providing you with health support and services. Providers caring for you must keep your information confidential.

When it comes to assessment information, you can choose to:

  • Request to see your own assessment at any time
  • Ask for corrections or updates
  • Tell us if you do not want us to share your assessment or basic identifying information

Marianhill may be entrusted with the knowledge of personal and private affairs of its residents. Under the declaration of confidentiality and code of ethics, all employees undertake not to divulge any of this knowledge at any time with any unauthorized person during the term of employment with Marianhill or thereafter, except in the course of duties as an employee.

Linda Tracey, Chief Executive Officer

Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario
2 Bloor St East, Suite 1400, Toronto ON M4W 1A8

Members of the Marianhill Ethics Committee are available to all staff, residents and family members to provide consultative services regarding issues and concerns prior to or following a perceived violation of ethics. Referral forms are available on each unit and at the front office.

Safekeeping of Valuables
Marianhill is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Residents are encouraged to ensure that all valuables are placed in a safety deposit box. Money should not be kept in one’s room but deposited in the resident’s trust account.

Marianhill cannot accommodate general storage of residents’ off-season or personal belongings. Arrangements to store such items off-site must be made by the resident/advocate.

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