Hospice Palliative Care at Marianhill

We believe the presence of family, friends and the community are important components of a high quality of life for those residing at Marianhill. To that end we facilitate this involvement while protecting the right to privacy, confidentiality and safety for our residents, employees and visitors. We thank you for adhering to these guidelines when visiting Marianhill.
Planning a Visit
- Please do not visit the home if you feel sick, unwell or have symptoms of a cough, cold, fever, stomach virus (e.g. diarrhea or vomiting) or any other contagious condition.
- Visitors are expected to abide by the home’s established policies and procedures, and any other applicable communication or legislation.
- Visitors are encouraged to refrain from wearing scented products.
- Visitors who are legally prohibited from contacting a resident are not permitted to visit.
Visiting Marianhill
- All visitors must sign in at the front desk upon arrival to, and exit from, the home.
- When leaving Marianhill the Access code is “5683 enter” and the door is motion censored. If the code is punched and the door does not open you may need to wait until staff arrive to remove a resident who is near the door wearing a wander guard bracelet. Please use the phone located in the vestibule to notify the Supervising Nurse if you are visiting after hours or when door is locked.
- The code for the washroom near the front entrance is: 5683.
- An current list of resident room numbers is kept in the binder at the front desk.
- Please use available parking spots. Do not park in reserved or designated spots. The driveway in front of the home can be used for pick up/drop off only; it must clear at all times for emergency vehicles.
- Visitors are asked to be respectful towards all residents, staff and other visitors.
- Visitors are asked to be respectful of the goods and property of others.
- Fridges in serveries are for resident-use only. Any resident items put in fridges must be labelled with the resident’s name and the date it was placed in the fridge. Items will be discarded by staff if unlabeled, expired or as needed for residents’ safety.
- Visitors to the home are welcome to visit with the resident where they reside, or common public areas, and must stay with the resident at all times while in any area of the home.
- Visitors are asked not to visit at meal times; family members who assist a resident that requires feeding can assist in the dining room; other family members who visit at meal time can be accommodated in the lounge or coffee shop and the resident’s meal tray will be provided.
- All visitors must sign the resident out of Marianhill using the sign-out book located on the nursing station desk when going to other public areas in the building or leaving the building. A staff member should also be advised. Do not let residents follow you away from the unit into elevators or exit doors unless attended.
- Non-family members are not permitted to visit a resident in a private room unless expressly invited by that resident or family.
- Visitors are expected to respect the rights of all residents and families, including not monopolizing common spaces.
- Visitors are not permitted in non-resident areas. This includes, but is not limited to: nursing stations, staff rooms, conference rooms, storage rooms, utility rooms, serveries and home service areas such as laundry and receiving.
- Children must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
- Pets must be leashed or in a cage, well-mannered and have updated rabies, distemper and other commonly required vaccinations. Supporting documentation may be requested.
- During winter months, visitors are asked to take care to ensure they have removed excess snow from clothing and footwear; resulting puddles could become a hazard. Blue boot covers are provided during the winter months.
Health and Safety
- Regular cleaning of hands reduces the spread of infection. Please clean your hands upon entering the home and prior to exiting the home. Please contact registered nursing staff if you have any questions regarding hand hygiene.
- Cover coughs or sneezes with tissue or crook of your arm. Please refrain from touching your face.
- If Infection Control Precaution signage is posted, please check with the nursing staff for further direction prior to entering the room.
- Should the home experience an outbreak, visitors are expected to respect the restrictions and policies that may be put into effect on consultation with Public Health.
- Follow staff instruction in the event of an emergency.
- Visitors will refrain from providing personal care and transferring residents for which knowledge, education and certification may be required. Do not bring in medications and leave them in the resident’s room; always give medications to a nurse.
- The privacy of all residents, staff and other visitors must always be respected.
- Staff is only able to provide updates on a resident’s specific condition to one documented designated person (ie. Power of Attorney).
- Visitors, including family, must not take pictures, voice or video recordings of any visitors, staff or other visitors without the express consent of the individuals involved.
- Visitors will be requested to leave a resident’s room when care is being provided to maintain the resident’s right to privacy.
- All visitors, including family and substitute decision makers, wishing to video or use others forms of electronic surveillance of a resident, must advise the home’s administrator and follow the home’s guidelines on privacy requirements.
- Food and fluids are available for resident consumption only.
- Supplies and equipment within the home are not available for use by visitors without the express permission of the home.
- Smoking is prohibited on the property. Visitors must go to the street (not parking lot) to smoke. A resident’s consumption of alcohol is limited to his/her room as permitted by the health of the resident.
- Possession and use of street drugs and/or weapons is strictly prohibited.
- Unacceptable behaviour on the part of a visitor such as loud and disruptive behaviour, verbal abuse, physical abuse, violence, interference with the care of a resident, and infringement of the guidelines for visitors will not be tolerated, and may result in visiting restrictions, visiting prohibition, or legal action.