In mid-March, the Marianhill Foundation was all set to launch its first-ever Catch the Ace progressive lottery. Signs were made and the website was set to launch — then the harsh reality of the COVID-19 pandemic became apparent overnight.
Immediately, the focus switched to ensuring that everyone at Marianhill stayed safe: residents, staff and families. Thanks for a concerted effort by all involved, the local long-term care facility was able to avoid an outbreak.
As restrictions loosened, in mid-summer the Foundation renewed its plans and launched the Catch the Ace weekly fundraiser, calling it the Little Lottery That Could!
Over eight weeks, tickets were sold online for a draw each Tuesday. Winners were mostly local residents, many who had ties to Pembroke’s most established long-term care facility.
However, lady luck can be fickle, and Marianhill’s Catch the Ace run was short-lived.
“We would like to thank everyone who supported Marianhill’s Catch the Ace draw over the past two months,” said CEO Linda Tracey. “Unfortunately our first round ended after just eight weeks. Despite that, in these difficult times everyone’s support was very encouraging.”
On Tuesday, September 8, local resident and community volunteer Lana Gorr won the progressive jackpot of $1224 plus the weekly draw of $82, uncovering the Ace of Spades in envelope number five.
“We want to thank the community for their continuing support of our fundraising efforts, as we move forward with our plans for expansion and renovation,” said Foundation Chair Glenn Casey when he made the cheque presentation to Ms Gorr. “In the end, we all win!”