
Essential Visitors Only!

Essential Visitors Only!

As the COVID-19 Virus continues to spread globally, the Ontario Ministry of Health has now directed all long-term care homes in the province to restrict visitors to essential only.

Essential visitors are defined as those who have a resident who is dying or very ill. These visitors will be actively screened into Marianhill. Unfortunately, those who fail screening will not be permitted to enter our facility.

Until further notice, non-essential visitors will be not permitted to enter Marianhill but are encouraged to keep in touch with their loved ones by phone or other technologies as available.

As of Saturday March 14, Marianhill staff have notified all resident family members about this mandated change in our visitor policy.

We know this decision will sadden and perhaps frustrate many families who have members living at Marianhill, as both families and residents value the time they spend together. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic the care and safety of our residents must be our top priority.

Out of love and concern for our residents, compassion for staff who are working tirelessly to keep everyone healthy, and respect for Public Health Ontario, we ask that you adhere to this visiting restriction.

Your patience and kindness is greatly appreciated. Together we will get through this difficult time.

Read More: COVID-19 ALERT from the Ontario Association of Residents’ Councils >

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