
Current COVID-19 Policies

Current COVID-19 Policies


All residents may:*

  • Have three visitors (including caregivers) at a time.
  • Enjoy the company of general visitors who are 5 years and older who have had at least two COVID-19 vaccine doses.\
  • Participate in group social activities, including games, clubs and exercises
  • Have meals in the dining room, including buffet and family-style meals
  • Leave the home for social day absences, essential purposes, such as medical appointments or exercise
  • Leave the home for social overnight absences**

*Unless otherwise directed by the local public health unit or when isolating
** Residents with at least 3 doses

Temporary measures in place to safeguard long-term care homes:

  • All staff, students, volunteers caregivers, support workers and general visitors must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter a home.*
  • Everyone must be screened, tested and wear masks, whether inside or outside.
  • Continued infection prevention and control measures will be followed, including distancing, masking, hand washing and enhanced cleaning.

*Unless proof of a valid medical exemption has been provided or visiting residents receiving end of life care

If the long-term care home is in outbreak:

  • Residents can expect the following if the area of the home they live in is in outbreak*:
  • Group activities, dining and social gatherings may continue in non-outbreak areas if residents can follow public health measures.
  • For outbreak areas of a home, residents will be cohorted in small groups for all essential activities. Group activities for cohorts may continue/resume if operationally feasible.
  • Communal dining, non-essential activities and personal care services will be suspended or modified.
  • Caregivers can still visit.

*Unless otherwise directed by the local public health unit

Whenever outside of the home, residents should do their best to:

  • Wear a mask (as tolerated)
  • Wash hands frequently
  • Limit their contact with others. Avoid crowds, large social gatherings and gatherings with unvaccinated people
  • Physically distance and only be in close contact with fully vaccinated people, especially when eating or singing



When residents return from a day absence they will:

  • Be actively screened
  • Undergo rapid antigen testing and a PCR test on day five following the absence.
  • Residents who are away frequently can choose to take a PCR test and rapid antigen test, on the same day, twice per week (for example, a PCR and rapid test on Tuesday, with both repeated on Friday) No quarantine is required unless a positive result is received

When residents return from an overnight absence they will:

  • Be actively screened and then monitored for symptoms twice daily for 10 days
  • Residents with 3 or 4 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine:
    – If returning from a hospital:* PCR or rapid antigen tested prior to or when returning home and quarantined until a negative test result can be obtained
    – If returning from the community: be screened and quarantine on arrival until negative PCR test result or rapid molecular test result from day five test
  • Those residents who do not have 3 or 4 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine are required to quarantine for 10 days with a PCR test on day five.

Residents who have been COVID-19 positive on or after December 20, 2021 may not be required to undergo testing and quarantine requirements when returning from an absence unless they have symptoms of COVID-19.

*Assuming hospital is not in outbreak, resident is not symptomatic and/or had been exposed to COVID-19. If the hospital is in outbreak the PHU will advise on testing and quarantine requirements.

If it is known that a resident has been in contact with someone who is COVID-19 POSITIVE:

  • Residents with three or four doses of a COVID-19 vaccine will be screened on arrival and quarantined until a negative result is obtained from the day five test
  • Residents who are not vaccinated or do not have their third dose will be screened on arrival and quarantined for 10 days with a PCR test on day five
  • All residents are still permitted to see their caregivers while in quarantine

READ MORE: LTC Visitor, Absences and Social Gathering Snapshot

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