
Visitors Must Provide Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing

Visitors Must Provide Proof of COVID-19  Vaccination and Testing

Marianhill, Pembroke’s most established long-term care facility, recently reopened its doors to visitors, so that residents could once again connect to family and friends.

However, the recent climb in positive cases of COVID-19 within the community, together with ever-increasing delays in obtaining test results has prompted management to update its policies around proof of testing by visitors.  

“Based on the present trend, we expect testing wait times to increase over the next while,” says CEO Linda Tracey. “Therefore as of September 28, 2020, visitors to Marianhill must provide proof of negative testing for COVID-19 before we can welcome them into the building.”  

Currently visitors have to attest to having a negative test within the two weeks prior to each visit. However, as an increased precaution visitors will now be required to provide those negative results for validation before they enter Marianhill. 

With reports of long line-ups at testing centres, and wait-times of up to seven days for tests results, management is concerned that residents and staff are at increased risk of being inadvertently exposed to the deadly virus. 

“It really opens up a gap where there’s so much room for exposure,” says Ms Tracey. “This new policy is an extra precaution designed to protect residents and staff against the virus.”

“It’s crucial to have test results available to ensure the safety and well-being of our residents as we continue to move through this pandemic.” she adds. “We’ve been very fortunate up until now, but we can’t let our guard down.”

Ms Tracey adds that Marianhill staff are working very hard to maintain a safe environment. Asking visitors to support these efforts by providing proof of  negative testing  will go a long way towards supporting and reaffirming these efforts.

“We’ve been fortunate to keep everyone safe so far,” says CEO Tracey. “To keep everyone safe, we can’t be too careful.”


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