
Updated Outdoor Visitor Guidelines

Updated Outdoor Visitor Guidelines


Marianhill is welcoming general visitors to our Outdoor Visiting Program commencing Tuesday May 25 at 10am.



All outdoor visits must be booked in advance and can be scheduled as follows, depending on staffing levels:
Monday through Friday
10:00am to 12:00pm
1:15pm to 4:00pm






You must pre-book a visit by emailing Wendy Biernaskie or calling 613-633-4329. Visits are scheduled up to 7 days in advance or at the discretion of the department. Outdoor visiting hours are Monday to Friday between 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:15 pm to 4:00 pm. Visits outside of these hours may be accommodated depending upon staff availability.

For outdoor visits, please arrive 10 minutes prior to the visit and proceed to the screener via the door on the right of the main entrance. Once screened, you will be given a card indicating you have passed the screening. You will be required to show this card to the staff member prior to your visit. Please proceed to the designated area given to you when booking.

Designated Areas        
1B: under the gazebo to the left of the front doors
1C: outside the McCluskey Centre
1D: under the large gazebo to the right of the front doors
2C: under the large gazebo to the right of the front doors

A member of the recreation staff will bring the resident outside for the visit. If requested, the staff member may stay outside for the duration of the visit. If not, at the end of the visit, the general visitor must inform the screener that the visit is over and will call the unit. A staff member will be down to get the resident. If a caregiver is present, they may bring the resident back inside themselves. 

Visitors MUST:

  • Be provided a minimum 30 minutes per visit. Two general visitors are allowed per resident.
  • Two caregivers may also be present at the same time with the general visitors. Caregivers must be screened and successfully complete a rapid test. Caregivers may sit beside the resident and must maintain 6 feet from the general visitors.
  • Be feeling well on the date/time of the visit by passing the screening tool.
  • Perform proper hand hygiene.
  • General visitors and caregivers must wear a face mask/face covering at all times. Caregivers are required to also wear a face shield/goggles.
  • Respect the guidelines put in place.
  • Bring their own lawn chair if possible.
  • Follow the direction of the staff assigned to the visit.

Visitors WILL NOT:

  • Leave any packages for the resident at the time of the visits. Please put in the blue bin in between the front doors.
  • Bring pets to the visit.
  • Bring food or drinks for the resident at the time of their visit.


Cancellation of Visits

Outdoor visits are weather-dependent. Heavy rain/heat advisories will result in the cancellation of the visit.

If the resident is symptomatic or isolating under droplet and contact precautions, the visit will be cancelled.

If the unit where the resident resides on is in outbreak, the visit will be cancelled.

Given the challenge for residents with cognitive decline to adhere to the above process, outdoor visits may not occur.


Non-Adherence to Guidelines

Any direction not followed as per Marianhill’s policies and procedures will result in the visitor not being able to return to Marianhill.

Non-adherence to guidelines may result in the resident being tested for COVID-19.




Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



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