
Respiratory Outbreak at Marianhill

Respiratory Outbreak at Marianhill

Marianhill is currently experiencing a respiratory outbreak with several residents experiencing respiratory infection or symptoms:

  • upper respiratory tract illness
  • runny nose or sneezing
  • stuffy nose or congestion
  • sore throat, hoarseness or difficulty swallowing
  • dry cough
  • swollen or tender neck glands
  • fever
  • tiredness
  • muscle aches
  • loss of appetite
  • headache
  • chills

During this outbreak period, we are asking family and friends who are ill themselves to refrain from visiting their loved ones at Marianhill. This will help us avoid further spread of these adverse conditions.

Healthy family and friends who are visiting Marianhill are asked to check in at the Nursing Station on the Unit before proceeding to the resident’s room.

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